Thursday, October 22, 2015

A Few Minutes Old...

There really is nothing like giving birth and meeting your little babe for the very first time. I honestly didn't know how I could love another child because Hudson was my everything. The second I saw James and held him was such a special moment and I knew I would give him the best life I could. It's moments like these you know that there's a creator, I heavenly father who loves us and wants us to know what His love is like. 

On the 4th of July I had a really strong feeling I was going to be giving birth to James the next day. So I intentionally didn't go swimming with the rest of my family in order to keep my hair dry and the way it was so I could look good for James the next day. LOL. I was also grumpy and just done, Zach and my mom could tell I was ready to be done being pregnant. Pregnancy is so worth it when you meet you little one.

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