Monday, December 19, 2016

Road Trip Money Saver or anytime really...

Ahh, the sweet golden arches... So okay, everyone needs to download the McDonald’s app right now! Disclaimer: I don’t eat there much, but I do take my kids (they love it) there more in the winter time when we need to get out of the house to play, but remain indoors. They love restaurant playgrounds, who doesn't?! McDonald’s is a road trip pit stop must, and here’s why:
  •         Playground for kids
  •         Free Wi-fi
  •         FREE FOOD
When my husband discovered the app, it was like a hidden treasure!!! How generous of McDonald’s to offer FREE FOOD on their app! Not always, but often enough! Every week there are new deals and they are awesome. They offered free 6 piece nuggets last week (with no purchase) and that was what I got for my boys to share since they can hardly finish the 4 piece together most times. They had one free sandwich off the menu deal once that saved me when I didn’t have time to eat and had to rush to boy scouts! So it can really come in handy. I don’t suggest eating there too often, we hardly eat fast food these days in order to save money and to eat healthier. When we are out of town, obviously we have to eat out more so this app is so nice and helpful, but we always are ready to come back to home cooked meals. Hope you find this app a gem!


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