Saturday, July 9, 2016

Baby James Turns 1!

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James is the sweetest little guy and he is our little angel. Hudson is the best big brother to him, but finally started getting jealous occasionally which is so funny because I spend the most time with him while James naps and he is up later in the night with Zach and I. James has a soft spot in my heart because of his surgery and surgery check ups he has endured. We are blessed and his situation hasn't been as difficult as what others have had to go through. You still are never really prepared to see your baby having to go through surgery and no fun tests though. We hardly give that situation any time and that doesn't stop any of us. He is happy and serious! He is goofy, but shy around others yet the sweetest little thing! He cracks us up and is so funny. He loves Hudson and thinks he is so great. He loves to copy his big brother and cracks up at everything Hudson does. He's a good eater, but we are getting around the picky stage, but most of the time eats more than Hudson (which is actually normal! haha...). James adds so much to our little family and I can't express how much I love and feel for my little crew. I'm a lucky girl.

We celebrated his first birthday with a pool party and pinata that my mom and I made together. It's our tradition each birthday for my babes. I had fun decorating his goodies for his birthday. We just love any time to celebrate in this house!

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