Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Birthday Weekend! 21!

Just on the weekend on April 6th, I turned 21! To be honest, I wasn't too excited because I loved being 20 and that just sounds crisp. There's really no point in turning 21 for me since I don't drink. But so far, I love being 21!

This year I had the best birthday I ever had, and it was my first birthday being married.

First off, I woke up to this! Thank you Zach and Danielle!

  If you like PiƱa Coladas! 

Virgin ONLY

My mom and one of my brothers drove 10 hours to see me! I love them and it made my birthday such a fun one!

Zach, you made it a special day for me. I really hope that you staying up til 5:30 a.m. was worth it for you. I love you!

Thank you Zach, Mom, Norm, Dan & Danielle! I love you guys!

General Conference

We also had General Conference this last weekend for the LDS church. If you want to know more about it, click on the "We Believe" tab.

My mom was able to get a last minute ticket by throwing one finger up and yelling, "One ticket!" 
He is so handsome, I can't take it!

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